Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Support your local board builder(part II)...
For the last few years Alex (Tillo International) while producing top slalom/formula FINS(Ifju) also has been
working hard on slalom and formula BOARDS. He's recent slaloms did really well at Miami Slalom Open. While 2 weeks
ago, after MiamiPro-AM/Formula I had a chance to test he's new formula board. To be honest, after 3 days of racing,
the last thing I wanted to do was to try something I'm not dialed into :), but Alex insisted and I still had my sail
rigged laying by the water. First impression, the board was 'easy', pumped quick on the plane, ride was very smooth,
so even though I was tired I took it for a few more runs. Wish I had someone else on the water to benchmark against,
but angle/speed felt excellent.
Final note: In 2 months or so. Alex and I'll start working on my new 'secret super formula' project. We'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Naish Chopper L + Witchcraft Custom(80l)
Thursday, December 12, 2013
MIAMI PRO-AM 2013 / Formula North Americans December 20-22, 2013
Ransom Everglades School • 3575 Main Highway, Coconut Grove, FL 33133
Biscayne Bay , Miami, Florida, USA
check out details at:
Saturday, September 14, 2013
MIAMI SLALOM OPEN 2013, October 18-20, Virginia Key , Miami
Just of the press…
Alex Morales announced early registration for Miami Slalom Open event (Oct. 18-20 Virginia Key)!!! This is a great event in a great location, this year with even larger Pro fleet, additional racing format; all will be bigger, better. As always I’m on my personal quest to get more local windsurfers to participate in the event. Dust of your boards/sails boys and girls, this is the windsurfing event of the year in Miami, break open that piggy bank, sign up and support your sport!
… And this is Challenge to Windsurfing Industry’s ‘big wigs’ that call Miami home, you know who you’re… Put your petty squabbles aside, and DO SOMETHING to support a home grown event, do it for the sport that gave you many years of joy and basically your careers. Karma swings both ways, you know…
OK, enough said
Monday, April 1, 2013
Miami Windsurfing Cup Report (part 1)
Time flies… Since the beginning of March we’ve tried to pull off 3 races .
Miami ended up being a challenging venue. Wind conditions were on the light
side, although the forecast looked good for all 3 race dates, weeds were an
annoying course obstacle each and every time (specially last race), but at the end
of the day we all had a great time and hopefully learned something new.
Race 1:
This was a season opener, formula, Rickenbacker Causeway. We had a good
mix of people from semi-pros like Ron K and Martin to newbies to the race scene like Stacey, Linda and Louis. The first 3 races were set right on the middle of the channel where all the speed boats were zipping by. I’m guessing Alex wanted to provide us with an additional thrill (it worked!). After 3 races, course was moved away from the channel and we had few more races in a less exciting “ Shit!! I’m going to die, this boat is gunning straight at me!!!’ setting.
Slalom, Virginia Key, the highlight of the day was a surprise visitor by the name of Wilhelm Schurmann, BRA 999, he used a borrowed board and a 7.8 NP (smallest sail in the group.) Just to give you an idea, I was underpowered on 8.5 m2 and I think Ron was on 12m2 +formula. Still BRA 999 was able to navigate better than us through shifty winds of Virginia Key, with few weed patches here and there around the course for good measure. I think he won, but since conditions were below min for slalom racing, this one didn’t go into the books.
Formula (race 2), Rickenbacker Causeway, winds were on the light side again but not too bad. The course was just outside the channel. This day was the ‘story of the weed islands’. From the start we were surrounded by the weeds, and there was no way of not catching them in numbers, plus some additional debris like plastic bags, etc. Personally, I was losing my patience half way through each race. After 2 races, the course was adjusted in hopes of getting better, less weedy real estate, a touch better but it was a character builder experience, for sure!
See ya next time on the water, check facebook for next race date.
Sergio K
P.S. Big thanks to Alex( TIllo International) for all of his efforts in organizing this event.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wanted-Chase Boat Volunteers
Over the years we all discussed a long distance race event in the bay.
New proposal is to start small... Pick a day/time (weekend of course), announce it via Facebook
couple of days in advance, all we need for logistics is a chase boat to set the buoy and assist in rescue in case
of equipment failure, etc.. If this thing works out well, we can try to do it monthly and possible organize a larger event.
We might be able to include kiters if logistics of launch and safety could be addressed.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Dirty Water
Key Biscayne Woman Accuses Miami-Dade County of Infecting Her With Poop Water
She got a skin infection while paddle boarding & has joined a lawsuit brought by an environmental group trying to clean up the water.
Whatever you do, keep your mouth closed in the water ;)
She got a skin infection while paddle boarding & has joined a lawsuit brought by an environmental group trying to clean up the water.
Whatever you do, keep your mouth closed in the water ;)
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Slalom's Temporary Home
Since I'm off the water for a while, I wanted to get my board off the car and indoors.. Turns out it's great feung shui. :)
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Course Racing 19-20 Jan., Rickenbacker Causeway
For more information/registration:
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